Aditya Ghosh - Research

About Me

Welcome to my research page. My undergraduate research focused on a variety of areas within Number Theory. I am currently working on Automorphic Forms in my PhD.

I am organising a learning seminar in Automorphic Forms this Fall at Columbia University. If you're interested please check out the seminar page

Research Papers/Reports

Zero-free half-planes of the ζ-function via spaces of analytic functions
General approach for deriving zero-free half-planes for the Riemann zeta function ζ by identifying topological vector spaces of analytic functions with specific properties.
Appears in AIM Volume 455
Counting prime ideals of a given degree in Number Fields
We obtain error terms which are much smaller polynomial bounds involving only the field itself, not the Galois closure.
(To be submitted soon)
Report: Statistics of approximations to zeroes of ζ-function via truncated symmetrized Euler products
We look at approximations ζX of the ζ-function introduced in Gonek's paper . We look at how close the approximate zeroes are to the actual zeroes.

Google Scholar

For a comprehensive list of my publications, please visit my Google Scholar profile.