About Me
Welcome to my research page. My undergraduate research focused on a variety of areas within Number Theory. I am currently working on Automorphic Forms in my PhD.
I am organising a learning seminar in Automorphic Forms this Fall at Columbia University. If you're interested please check out the seminar page
Research Papers/Reports
Zero-free half-planes of the ζ-function via spaces of analytic functions
General approach for deriving zero-free
half-planes for the Riemann zeta function ζ by identifying topological
vector spaces of analytic functions with specific properties.
Appears in AIM Volume 455
Appears in AIM Volume 455
Counting prime ideals of a given degree in Number Fields
We obtain error terms which are much smaller polynomial bounds involving only the field itself, not the Galois closure.
(To be submitted soon)
(To be submitted soon)
Google Scholar
For a comprehensive list of my publications, please visit my Google Scholar profile.