Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar
Summer 2004

The Columbia Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar takes place Mondays at 5:15 pm in 507 Mathematics. All are welcome.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

Date Speaker(s) Affiliation Standing Title
June 7 Florian Sprung Columbia Undergraduate Student Elliptic Curves: Part (a)
June 14 Bhargav Bhatt Columbia Undergraduate Student Galois Theory and Elliptic Curves
June 21 Gregory Smith Columbia Asst. Professor Polynomial Equations and Convex Polytopes
June 28 Yogishwar Maharaj Columbia Graduate Student Cryptography: An Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proof Systems
July 6 on Tuesday Neeraj (Nee) Pradhan Columbia Undergraduate Student Quadratic Forms, Lattices, and the Fifteen Theorem
July 13 on Tuesday Abhijit Champanerkar Columbia Asst. Professor Jones polynomial and Geometry of Knots Complements
July 19 Sebastian (Yano) Casalaina-Martin Columbia Graduate Student Curves and Their Jacobians
July 27 on Tuesday at 5:00pm Charles Doran Columbia Asst. Professor Why are mathematicians so excited about string theory?
August 2 Mohammad Moinul Haque Columbia Undergraduate Student Continued Fractions, Their Properties and Applications

For schedules from other sessions visit the Seminars page.