Real local Langlands seminar

Fall 2024

The goal of this seminar is to understand Scholze's recent work on the geometrization of the real local Langlands program.

Time and place

TBD, first meeting 2:30 - 4 PM in 507 on September 4.


[1] Peter Scholze. "Geometrization of the real local Langlands correspondence (draft version, used for ARGOS seminar)." Available here.

Tentative schedule

  Date Speaker Topic References Notes
September 4 Avi Zeff Introduction, organization and overview [1]
  Classical real local Langlands for GL2
  Analytic rings
  Analytic stacks
  The Riemann–Hilbert correspondence [1, §II]
  Locally analytic representations of real groups [1, §III]
  Beilinson–Bernstein localization [1, §IV]
  Archimedean Fargues–Fontaine curves [1, §V]
  Pic and Div1 [1, §VI]
  The stack of L-parameters [1, §VII]
  Twistor structures and diamonds [1, §VIII]
  BunG [1, §IX]
  Non-abelian real Lubin–Tate theory [1, §X]