Undergraduate Seminars I: Fermat's last theorem

Fall 2024

This is the webpage for the section of Undergraduate Seminars I focused on Fermat's last theorem. A tentative syllabus can be found here; further details and materials will appear soon.

Instructor: Avi Zeff

Time/place: Mondays 1 - 3 PM in 507 Mathematics


Other materials

Peer feedback form

Tentative schedule

Date Speaker Topic Sources Materials
September 16 Avi Introduction and logistics PDF
September 23 Elementary approaches: infinite descent, n = 3, 4, sums of two squares [H, §1.4 - 1.7]
September 23 Kummer's approach: proof for regular primes [H, §1.8]
September 30 Elliptic functions I [H, §2.1 - 2.5]
September 30 Elliptic functions II [H, §2.5 - 2.12]
October 7 Number fields I: global fields, places, and local fields [H, §3.1 - 3.4]
October 7 Number fields II: Galois theory and representations [H, §3.5 - 3.7]
  Elliptic curves I: definitions and first properties [H, §4.1 - 4.5]
  Elliptic curves II: endomorphisms and bounds [H, §4.6 - 4.11]
  Elliptic curves III: further properties and conjectures [H, §4.12 - 4.15]
  Modular forms I: theta functions [H, §5.1 - 5.2]
  Modular forms II: definitions and first properties [H, §5.3 - 5.4]
  Modular forms III: operations [H, §5.5 - 5.9]
  Modularity and Fermat's last theorem
  Addenda and related problems
  Further topics

[H] Hellegouarch, Yves. Invitation to the mathematics of Fermat–Wiles. Elsevier, 2001.